How Does Invisalign Work? Is Invisalign Worth It?

How Does Invisalign Work? Is Invisalign Worth It?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic replacement for traditional braces to boost your dental health and misaligned smile. Invisalign is well known for its custom-made, discreet, and comfortable clear aligners, which are less noticeable. At Mercer Island Dental, Our expert dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam, delicately analyze your smile using state-of-the-art technology and make a personalized treatment plan for you.

Is Invisalign worth the cost? Does Invisalign work well? Is it a good option for you?

Click Now For Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Call our expert dentists NOW at 206-232-3600 to Schedule your completely FREE, no-obligation, Invisalign Consultation, and we will explain how Invisalign works and how Invisalign is worth your time. Take the first step toward your amazing, confident, charismatic new smile today.

Invisalign offers many benefits for people seeking teeth straightening treatment, but it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. When you are opting for Invisalign, it is critical to understand the requirements of the treatment process, such as wearing Invisalign for 22 hours a day and avoiding hot drinks.

Furthermore, you need to fully understand the benefits and disadvantages that usually make Invisalign worth every penny. While removable aligners provide the convenience of easier cleaning and no hard dietary restrictions, they come with their own set of minor challenges.

Is Invisalign Worth Spending Money On?

Yes, Invisalign is worth the treatment time for most people. It is often the best teeth straightening experience you can get without pain and discomfort. The primary allure of Invisalign aligners lies in their discreet appearance and flexibility, allowing you to maintain your usual diet and dental hygiene routine more effectively and quickly. Unlike traditional metal or ceramic braces, Invisalign takes less time to transform your smile into an amazing new smile.

Additionally, Invisalign provides an effective solution for you if you have mild to moderate orthodontic issues without the discomfort and aesthetic concerns of metal brackets and wires.

Do You Need to Wear Invisalign 22 Hours a Day?


Yes, for effective and quick treatment results, you need to wear Invisalign clear aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day. Our expert dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam, stress the importance of this dedication to achieving your amazing new smile.

Invisalign treatment is designed to move your teeth gradually, and for this process to be effective, you must wear the aligners consistently, almost full-time. This extensive wear ensures your teeth move according to your planned treatment path without unnecessary delays.

How Long Do You Need Invisalign?

At Mercer Island Dental, the duration of Invisalign treatment varies significantly depending on the complexity of your orthodontic issues. Our experienced Invisalign dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam, explain that you may get your desired smile in as little as six months, or with moderate to severely misaligned teeth, you may need to wear your Invisalign aligners for up to 18 months.

An initial FREE Consultation with orthodontic experts is crucial in establishing a realistic timeline based on your needs and goals.

Call us NOW at 206-232-3600 and schedule your FREE Invisalign Consultation with our expert dentists to learn more about the duration of your Invisalign.

Does Invisalign Work for Complex Cases?


At Mercer Island Dental, Invisalign is renowned for its success in treating mild to moderate misaligned teeth. The ability to correct severe orthodontic issues often depends on the specific circumstances of your case.

One of the most common concerns we hear is whether Invisalign aligners are suitable for complex orthodontic cases. The answer is a resounding yes! Invisalign has continuously evolved since its introduction, with technological advancements enabling us to tackle more complex teeth movements and adjustments than ever before.

Our expert dentists have helped the residents of Mercer Island achieve their smile goals with Invisalign technology, especially if the case involves significant bite issues, crooked teeth, or misaligned teeth.

Schedule your Completely FREE, no-obligation Invisalign Consultation NOW and take the first step toward achieving the smile of your dreams.

Click Now For Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Does Invisalign Hurt More Than Braces?

No, Invisalign does not hurt more than braces. Many patients at Mercer Island Dental often ask about the comfort of Invisalign compared to traditional metal braces. Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam emphasize that Invisalign is the most comfortable and painless orthodontic treatment for misaligned smiles, as no metal or ceramic brackets and wires are involved. Furthermore, our skilled dentists do not require frequent adjustments.

Your aligners are custom-made to fit perfectly over the teeth, eliminating the friction and irritation often caused by the brackets and wires of traditional braces.

What Is the Success Rate of Invisalign?

The success rate of Invisalign is significantly affected by the severity of your dental condition and wearing discipline. Research shows that Invisalign has a 96% success rate when you wear your clear aligners as directed.

What Happens if I Lose My Aligners?

Losing your Invisalign aligner can be a stressful experience, but Mercer Island Dental ensures that you understand the guidelines to minimize any potential impact on your treatment progress. We advise you to contact our dental office if you lose your aligner.

If you are close to transitioning to the next set in the series, we may move you on to the next aligner early.

If moving to the next aligner is not viable, Dr. Shiotsu and Dr. Tam may recommend wearing a previous set to prevent teeth from returning to their original positions until the lost aligner is remade.

What Are the Limitations of Invisalign?


At Mercer Island Dental, our certified dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam emphasize that even if Invisalign can successfully treat a wide range of dental misalignments and orthodontic issues, there are certain cases where other methods might be more effective.

Invisalign may be unsuitable for you if you have severe malocclusions, such as those requiring vertical tooth movement or significant rotation of canines and premolars.

Furthermore, the success of Invisalign heavily relies on your commitment to wear the aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day. Non-compliance can lead to prolonged treatment times and may affect the desired outcome.

Is Maintenance and Cleaning Necessary for Invisalign?

Yes, maintaining and cleaning Invisalign aligners is an essential part of your treatment process and is vital for achieving the best results. You should take proper care of your aligners to ensure they remain clear and bacteria-free.

Unlike traditional braces with fixed wires and brackets that can trap food and plaque, Invisalign aligners are removable, making cleaning your teeth easier. To keep your aligners clean, brush them gently every night with a soft toothbrush and mild soap. Avoid harsh toothpaste, as it can scratch the aligners and make them more noticeable when wearing them.

What Is the Cost of Invisalign?

Invisalign is an accessible and effective orthodontic treatment for teeth straightening. It gives efficient results compared to other types of braces. The price of Invisalign may vary depending on the duration of the treatment and your specific dental needs. Our expert dentist will estimate your cost at your FREE consultation after evaluating your smile.

What Is the Shortest Time for Invisalign?

The duration of Invisalign treatment can vary significantly depending on the complexity of your dental issues. However, if you have minor alignment concerns, Invisalign offers a fast option to give you a unique, beautiful, and confident smile.

On average, Invisalign takes six months to one year for minor to moderate cases. Severe adjustment issues generally take up to 18 months.

This rapid treatment option is ideal for minor corrections, such as slight overcrowding, small gaps between teeth, or minor repositioning before cosmetic dental procedures.

Who Should Not Get Invisalign?

While Invisalign offers a modern solution for straightening teeth, it's not suited for everyone. Specific individuals may need to consider alternative treatments due to the limitations of Invisalign. Some of these cases include:

  • Young children whose teeth and jaw rapidly grow
  • Those who are unable to maintain dental hygiene
  • Individuals with severe malocclusions
  • Those not committed to wearing the aligners

Get the Million Dollar Smile With Invisalign Clear Aligners!

Mercer Island Dental offers top Invisalign treatment to give you the amazing smile you deserve. Our experts, Dr. Shiotsu and Dr. Tam, thoroughly examine your smile and explore whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign.

Click Now For Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

Call our expert dentists NOW at 206-232-3600 to Schedule your completely FREE, no-obligation, Invisalign Consultation, and we will explain how Invisalign works and how Invisalign is worth your time. Take the first step toward your amazing, confident, charismatic new smile today.

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