Dental Bonding and White Tooth Fillings for Cavities at Mercer Island Dental

Dental Bonding and White Tooth Fillings for Cavities at Mercer Island Dental

Dental bonding or composite bonding for tooth fillings is preferred for correcting chipped or crooked teeth, repairing misshapen teeth, and lining gaps, ensuring a natural smile that radiates confidence. White tooth fillings, also known as composite resins, are used to fill cavities and change the color and shape of your teeth.

Do you have cavities or chipped teeth? We can help!

Our skilled dentists at Mercer Island are Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam. They offer excellent solutions for your cosmetic and restorative dental needs.

Schedule Your Dental Bonding and White tooth Fillings appointment NOW and take the first step toward getting the smile of your dreams.

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We understand the importance of a beautiful smile. Our dentists use composite resin for bonding and fillings that match your teeth and look natural. Whether you're considering replacing silver amalgam fillings with white fillings or exploring cosmetic dental bonding for a more aesthetic appeal, our dental team is dedicated to providing exceptional care.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a treatment used in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. It can fix broken, chipped, misshapen, or crooked teeth. It can also fill gaps between teeth.

A tooth-colored resin is applied to your teeth and hardened with the help of special laser light. It bonds to your natural teeth and improves your appearance and smile. This simple procedure can fix broken or stained teeth without needing a lot of dental work.

Advantages of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is an effective way to quickly get a beautiful and attractive smile. It uses tooth color resins to restore your damaged or broken teeth. It may be an ideal solution for you because of the following reasons:

  • Affordable: Dental bonding is an affordable treatment option compared to veneers and crowns.
  • Preserve Tooth Enamel: During dental bonding, your teeth enamel is not removed and remains intact. It does not require any prep to initiate the treatment.
  • Natural Look: Dental bonding uses tooth-colored material to repair teeth. The material blends with the color of your natural teeth and becomes hard to detect.
  • Stabilizes the Tooth:  Bonding stabilizes the moving teeth and protects your teeth against bacterial buildup.

Understanding White Dental Tooth Fillings

Dental fillings are non-invasive and contain plastic or ceramic to fill your dental cavities. At Mercer Island Dental, our experienced dentists not only enhance the aesthetics of your smile but also offer a safer and more harmonious option for your dental health. The metal tooth filling can leach into your blood vessels and harm your overall health.

White tooth fillings easily treat your dental issues, such as tooth decay, crooked teeth, and damaged teeth. The white fillings are popular because they naturally blend well in your teeth. You can also use them to fill front teeth because of their attractive look.

White dental fillings are advantageous for you in many cases; they do not involve removing the structure of your teeth as in the case of traditional metal fillings. The most significant purpose of using white dental fillings is to store the integrity of your tooth structure.

Composite Bonding Dental Filling Procedure

Composite bonding and dental fillings improve the functionality of your teeth and revive their natural appearance. Our team at Mercer Island Dental is committed to providing a safe, effective, and cosmetically pleasing solution to give you a natural smile you can be proud of. The procedure involves the following:

  • Appointment: The process of dental fillings starts with an appointment with our expert dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam. They thoroughly look for cavities, chipped teeth, broken teeth, etc, and make a treatment plan for you.
  • Tooth Preparation: Our experienced dentists remove the damaged or decayed teeth and thoroughly clean your teeth. This is done to prevent your teeth from bacterial buildup and further damage.
  • Applying Fillings: The composite fillings are applied on the top of the decayed tooth to restore its strength and prevent cavities and gum disease. The dental fillings are hardened with the help of special light to make them last longer.
  • Shaping And Polishing: After applying the filling, our expert dentists will shape it to match the shape of your teeth. This is done with special tools, and it is an entirely painless procedure. We also polish it to make it smooth and radiant.
  • Bite Check: Our expert dentists examine your bite to check the effects of teeth bonding and fillings. This will allow them to make any necessary adjustments afterward.
  • Aftercare: The aftercare involves avoiding hard food for a few days to make the filling intact and lifelong.

Schedule Your Dental Bonding and White Fillings appointment NOW and start your journey toward a confident, charismatic smile.

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Dental Bonding Cost – How Much Is Tooth Bonding?

Understanding the cost of dental bonding is essential for you at Mercer Island Dental. The price can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the work needed and whether dental insurance covers the cost of the procedure. Generally, cosmetic dental bonding is affordable compared to other cosmetic dental procedures like dental direct composite veneers or implants.

Our team is dedicated to helping you understand your dental insurance benefits and how they can be applied to your dental bonding treatment.

Get a Radiant Smile With Dental Bonding and Filling at Mercer Island Dental!

Call us at 206-232-3600, and our warm and friendly dental staff will schedule your Teeth Cleaning appointment at our dental clinic. Our experienced team at Mercer Island Dental is eager to show you how we can improve your health and well-being.

Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam are ready to take care of all your dental bonding, tooth fillings and any other dental concerns you might have. We want to get your smile looking great and your teeth working well for you, so you can eat whatever you want and be pain free.

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Call us at 206-232-3600 Mercer Island Dental Today to Reserve your Appointment for your dental bonding white fillings!

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