Are you suffering from snoring or sleep apnea? Mercer Island Dental is here to help you! Our expert dentists, Dr. Goich Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam, carefully examine your unique dental requirements and resolve your sleep apnea.
Call 206-232-3600 NOW to schedule your Consultation for Sleep Apnea and Snoring. Take the first step toward a restful night's sleep that will safeguard your overall health.
Click Now For Your Sleep Apnea Consultation
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects your overall health and quality of life. During your consultation for sleep apnea, our dentists will conduct a sleep apnea test and check for obstructive sleep apnea symptoms. Our dental team will guide you through the process and help you manage your condition.
Get Your Evaluation for Sleep Apnea Therapy!

At Mercer Island Dental, we provide 3D scanning that enables us to thoroughly evaluate your condition. This helps us detect any bone or tissue abnormalities that could cause sleep apnea.
Overly relaxed muscles typically cause this form of sleep apnea, which obstructs your airway. After diagnosis, we will provide a dental appliance that can significantly enhance your quality of life. You will achieve a restful sleep without any inconvenience and disruption.
Our expert dentists offer three primary sleep apnea treatments: night-time mouthguards, NighLase, and Invisalign for teeth alignment. We design our night-time mouth guards to position your jaw for effortless breathing throughout the night at our sleep center. Invisalign can significantly enhance your upper airway by realigning your crooked teeth, providing more space for easier breathing.
We Create Personalized Sleep Apnea Therapy for Optimal Results!
During your initial consultation for sleep apnea, our expert dentists will conduct a digital scan of your teeth using our state-of-the-art 3D laser scanner. After that, we will evaluate your findings on the scan and recommend the most suitable treatment for you.
The most straightforward solution is a dental sleep mouth guard to aid easier breathing. If you are experiencing obstructive sleep apnea, Invisalign clear braces can be used to align your teeth. It will provide ample space for your tongue to keep your airway open.
Beyond that, we have the most advanced approach called NightLase, which involves using a laser to tighten your throat muscle and congested airway.
Does Sleep Apnea Require Oral Surgery?
No! At Mercer Island Dental, we provide non-invasive treatments to tackle sleep apnea. These treatment options include Invisalign, NightLase, and sleep apnea mouthpieces. If these do not work for you, in the worst case scenario, we may recommend continuous positive airway pressure CPAP devices.
However, if you have abnormal bone formations that obstruct your breathing while asleep, we will recommend MARPE therapy.
Signs of Sleep Apnea
Knowing the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea will help you discover the right treatment for you. Following are the signs of sleep apnea:
- Daytime fatigue
- Drowsiness during day
- Memory loss
- Mental fatigue
- Headaches, especially in the morning
- Loud snoring
- Uncontrolled weight gain
- Awakening accompanied by snoring or choking
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can lead to a higher risk of strokes, weight gain, migraines, and Alzheimer's. We offer the best sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment for help you stay healthy.
Click Now For Your Sleep Apnea Consultation
How Can I Find Out if I Suffer From Sleep Apnea?
In order to diagnose sleep apnea, we will provide you with a home sleep test. If you are not comfortable with a home sleep apnea test, we can also offer a clinic test. We use a device you wear for a few days to check your oxygen levels and brain activity while you sleep.
We may provide you with a home sleep test for you to use and return. Alternatively, we may refer you to a sleep lab nearby to determine if you have sleep apnea.
If there are instances where your oxygen level decreases, sleep apnea could be the reason for your symptoms. Once our board-certified sleep physician diagnoses you with sleep apnea, we have numerous methods available to manage it.
NightLase Treatment
NightLase is a laser therapy that tightens collagen in the back of the throat to improve your breathing. This method also aids in reducing snoring and can boost athletic performance by allowing you to breathe better while you are awake. CPAP machines and oral devices effectively provide treatment for sleep apnea only when you use them. NightLase, however, is significantly more convenient than a CPAP machine, as it constantly provides better breathing all day!
Invisalign Transparent Braces
We use orthodontics to move teeth and improve your smile. This can help reduce pressure on your tongue and make it easier to breathe, all while giving you a beautiful smile.
MARPE/Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE)
In severe instances, we may suggest the Mini-Implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE) procedure. This method aids in widening your palate and nasal sinuses concurrently—and the MSE facilitates the MARPE process. MARPE can effortlessly broaden your smile and enhance your breathing.
Dental Mouthpiece Devices
Dentists use dental Mouthpiece devices to keep your jaw in a forward position and prevent it from retracting into your throat. This forward stance also enables more air to flow through the throat. Dental devices enable you to sleep and breathe effortlessly and comfortably.
Oral devices can be simultaneously utilized with a CPAP machine as a "combined sleep treatment" to reduce the CPAP machine's pressure to a tolerable level that allows you to sleep. During your consultation for sleep apnea, we can provide a preview of your mouthguard's appearance and its night-time usage. We can also demonstrate its functionality to enhance your sleep quality.
How Can a Dental Sleep Appliance Benefit Me?
A dental sleep appliance specifically holds your jaw in a position that opens up your airway. By gently repositioning your jaw forward, we can naturally remove the blockage that typically causes sleep disruptions.
This prevents the airway from being obstructed, allowing you to breathe freely and sleep without being choked awake during the night. Improved sleep quality means you can wake up feeling more rested and rejuvenated.
How to Find a Board-Certified Sleep Apnea Doctor Near Me?
Finding a qualified sleep apnea doctor is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. Look for a board-certified specialist who has extensive training and experience in managing sleep disorders. Board certification ensures your doctor meets rigorous standards and stays updated with the latest advancements in sleep medicine.
If you're looking for a board-certified Sleep apnea doctor near you, contact our experts NOW at 206-232-3600.
Treating Your Sleep Apnea at Mercer Island Dental
We offer various treatments for sleep apnea at Mercer Island Dental. Our services are available for residents and guests on Mercer Island and the surrounding Seattle area.
We are committed to improving your sleep quality and overall health by providing custom oral appliances, NightLase procedures, and other interventions. Schedule your consultation for sleep apnea and snoring and start your journey toward your overall well-being.
Also, if you need any other type of dental treatment, our dentists are skilled in providing just about any dental care you could possibly need.
Are You Prepared to Improve Your Sleep and Your Overall Well-Being?
If you're tired of restless nights and waking up feeling exhausted, it's time to take action. At Mercer Island Dental, we take pride in offering superior solutions for sleep apnea that can truly transform your life, starting with your at-home sleep study.
Schedule your Completely Snoring and Sleep Apnea Consultation NOW and take the first step toward a restful night's sleep that will safeguard your overall health.
Click Now For Your Sleep Apnea Consultation
Contact Mercer Island Dental at 206-232-3600 to schedule your Consultation for Sleep Apnea and Snoring with Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam. We look forward to helping you achieve better sleep and improved health!