Are You Experiencing Jaw Pain,TMJ Headache? Find out If The TMJ Splints Can Help You. Consult with Our TMJ Specialist

Are You Experiencing Jaw Pain,TMJ Headache? Find out If The TMJ Splints Can Help You. Consult with Our TMJ Specialist

Are you experiencing jaw pain or TMJ headaches? Excruciating pain in your jawbone is frustrating, and it is linked to TMJ disorders, which affect the temporomandibular joint. At Mercer Island Dental, our experienced dentists, Dr. Goichi Shiotsu and Dr. Ryan Tam offer TMJ splints or mouthguards, which help to relieve your jaw pain caused by teeth grinding and jaw muscle tension.

Call (206) 232-3600 NOW to schedule your FREE TMJ Disorder Consultation and we'll relieve your jaw pain and teeth grinding.

Click Now For Your FREE TMJ/TMD Consultation

TMJ splints are extremely favorable in relieving pain by easing the strain on your jaw and preventing further damage to your teeth. Splints are available in different styles and sizes, and they basically adjust your jaw into the correct position when your mouth is closed, protecting you from severe malocclusions.

If you are looking for a TMJ specialist near you or experiencing TMJ symptoms, our dental team is dedicated to providing you with the best care and support for your TMJ pain relief needs.

What To Anticipate When Receiving a TMJ Splint


During your FREE TMJ splint consultation at Mercer Island Dental, we will provide you with a splint after capturing a 3D digital scan of your smile. This will aid us in formulating a treatment plan for your TMJ issue. Once the splints are customized according to your unique dental needs, we will start your journey toward alleviating your pain.

Our TMJ splint therapy eases your jaw muscle and ligament tension, acting as a deterrent to teeth clenching and grinding. Here are the steps we will follow for your treatment:

Complete Scan of Your Smile

Our expert dentists will employ a 3D scan of your smile to capture an image, which will be used to comprehend your symptoms. We will evaluate the bite and structure of your facial bones and look for imperfections.

Diagnosing the Problem

After scrutinizing your smile, our dentist will determine if a TMJ splint treatment can effectively alleviate your TMJ disorder or if alternative treatment is required.

Starting Your Treatment

We will create a TMJ splint that fits your mouth and is tailored to your specific dental needs. Once you start to use it consistently, your jaw pain will reduce, and TMJ disorder will be relieved.


Monitoring the success of your TMJ treatment is essential to monitor its progress, as we will replace your splints or treatment methods based on what we see.

If you're dealing with TMJ disorder, rest assured you're not alone. Many individuals encounter TMJ disorders at various stages of their lives. Our splint therapy can alleviate your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by correctly positioning your teeth and jaw.

You can use your TMJ splints throughout the day and at night to eliminate discomfort. TMJ disorder can greatly impact your daily life. If you're experiencing any discomfort, it's crucial to consult our excellent dental office as soon as possible.

TMJ Disorders


Your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are central connections that link your jawbone to your skull, acting as hinges. There are two TMJ joints, each located behind your ears on both sides of your jaw. They stretch from close to your temple down to your lower jaw.

These joints play a significant role in the proper operation of your jaw, enabling you to chew food or speak. However, there can be occasions when you might experience problems with your TMJ that can impact your life.

Temporomandibular joint disorder can be a painful condition that can interfere with your daily life activities in numerous ways. Here are a few common symptoms of TMJ disorder:

  • Restricted jaw movement
  • TMJ pain, including facial discomfort
  • Pain in front of your ears
  • TMJ-induced headaches
  • Muscle tightness
  • Pain in your temporal bones when opening or closing your mouth
  • Discomfort or tenderness while chewing your food

The discomfort you are experiencing may be due to a variety of reasons, such as stress, unique anatomy, or habits.

4 Types of TMJ Splints


Over-the-Counter Guard

Over-the-counter guards are plastic-made and are easily available at stores. Although these may appear to be convenient and cost-effective, these mouthguards are likely to be uncomfortable and potentially cause additional issues. They are not custom-made to fit your mouth, which can lead to increased jaw pain and discomfort. They may also wear out quickly and fail to support your jaw muscles and teeth.

Cushioned Splints

Cushioned splints are aesthetically pleasant to wear, but they are not long-lasting and can easily deteriorate quickly. They are helpful for pain after an injury, temporarily eliminating your pain. Despite their comfort, they might not offer adequate, long-lasting support for severe TMJ issues.

Flat Plane Splint/TMJ Sleep Guard

We provide customized TMJ sleep or night guards specifically for people who suffer from teeth grinding and clenching. The personalized fit ensures optimal comfort during your sleep and eliminates stress by preventing teeth grinding.

These flat plane splints are designed particularly for your bite, ensuring your teeth and joints are well protected. Experience the effectiveness of this type of splint!

Detachable Neuromuscular Orthotic

This type of brace is similar to a mouthguard but is designed for all-day use. It prevents teeth grinding and clenching during the day. It supports the alignment of your jaw, reducing pain and promoting normal function. It is ideal to wear during the day or at night as needed to manage your TMJ disorder symptoms.

Advantages of TMJ Splints

TMJ splints are an excellent treatment option that successfully treats your TMJ pain. They shift your jaw into an ideal position and prevent your teeth from grinding. Below are some of the ways that a TMJ splint can make your life better.

  • Alleviating TMJ Headaches: We offer TMJ splints to relieve long-term TMJ headaches. Chronic pain often linked to clenching and grinding in TMJ disorders can be alleviated with the use of TMJ splints.
  • Improved and Peaceful Night Sleep: TMJ disorder is extremely painful, and it may take away your sleep. We provide TMJ splints that contribute to restful sleep by providing relief from jaw pain and preventing teeth grinding.
  • Significantly Reduced Pain: The aim of TMJ splints is to support your jaw and align it into the correct position, drastically reducing or eliminating your TMJ pain.
  • Preventing Teeth Grinding and Clenching: TMJ splints effectively prevent bruxism, thereby protecting your teeth and reducing your jaw joint tension.
  • Prevent Further Teeth Damage: Teeth grinding and clenching greatly weaken and damage your teeth. TMJ splints help protect your upper or lower teeth from wear by stopping teeth grinding and clenching.
  • Better Breathing: Proper jaw alignment facilitated by TMJ splints can enhance airflow, leading to better breathing.

If you are suffering from TMJ disorder, consult our dentists to alleviate the discomfort associated with it right away. We can guide you toward the most suitable solution for your TMJ issue and assist you in regaining your comfort!

Are You Prepared To Live Without Pain, Improve Your Health, and Feel Better?

At Mercer Island Dental, our dentists and dental team are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care to address your TMJ issues. By choosing our TMJ splint therapy, you can look forward to a pain-free life, improved sleep quality, and overall better health.

Click Now For Your FREE TMJ/TMD Consultation

Call Mercer Island Dental NOW at 206-232-3600 for your FREE TMJ Disorder Consultation. Let our experienced professionals help you find relief from TMJ discomfort. Don’t wait any longer. Your path to improved well-being starts now!

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